About The Website
The idea behind this website arose from a project in my English class actually, which entails recreating a previous English paper in the form of a different media piece. However, I soon realized that I didn't want this to just be some assignment, I am far too passionate about this topic to let the 14 day free trial be the end of this site. I am now committed to keeping this website public, and will update the site whenever possible. The mainstream media provides no insight into this topic whatsoever, but the people of the world deserve to learn of the Polish 1st Armoured Division's immense bravery. I intend to keep updating this site in any way I can, I intend to keep this site public until my bank account is empty, and I intend to form a non-profit organization to raise awareness for this crucial piece of history. If one day there is at least a single student who cites this website in a research paper, I will have succeeded in my goal.
Carpenter, D.C. (2002) A failure of coalition leadership: the Falaise-Argentan gap. Retrieved from handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA404190
D’Este, C. (1994). Falaise: the trap not sprung. MHQ: the quarterly journal of military history, 6. Retrieved from https://illiad.nau.edu/illiad/illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value=605179
Donnelly, B. (2017). Scots tribute to Polish war hero General Stanislaw Maczek in Edinburgh's Meadows will 'put right what was wrong'. Retrieved from http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15146522.Scots_tribute_to_Polish_war_hero_will__put_right_what_was_wrong_/
Gasiorek, J. (2016). General Maczek-a hero among us. Retrieved from http://polishscottishheritage.co.uk/?heritage_item=hero-amongst-us
Generaal Maczek Museum (2017). web. Retrieved from http://maczekmuseum.nl/en/news/generaal-maczek/
Memorial de Montormel (2012). web. Retrieved from http://www.memorial-montormel.org/
Maczek, S. (1961). Od podwody do czolga. Edinburgh, UK. Tomar Publishers.
Maczek, S. (2006). The 1st Polish armoured division in normandy. Canadian Military History, 15, 2. Retrieved from http://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1385&context=cmh
Polish forces in the West: Polish forces liberating Western Europe during World War II. (2016). The Polish veterans after World War II. Retrieved from http://www.polishsoldier.nl/chapter-7-the-polish-veterans-after-world-war-ii/
Whitaker, D., Whitaker, S. (2004). Normandy: the real story. Available from Google Books
A brief social media essay: https://ifunny.co/fun/qk4c7B744?gallery=user&query=AircraftOfTheDay
New social media essay: https://ifunny.co/fun/udXD7Sk45?gallery=user&query=AircraftOfTheDay
Research paper: https://issuu.com/hill262/docs/hill262_i-search
Revised research paper: https://issuu.com/hill262/docs/hill_262-_how_poland_won_the_war__r